Sick of people advertising their NFTs Project websites or NFT servers in your discord server? What about keeping Bad users OUT of your server? Well FGuard is the perfect bot for you.

Invite FGuard Discord bot | Join the Discord Support Server

Invite FGuard Guilded bot | Join the Guilded Support Server

Source Code (For old Anti-NFT bot)

Privacy Policy

The service is provided by: Idiot Creature Hater#2255 on Discord from Idiot Creature Hater Studios. The same creators of the Meowbahh Discord bot. Orignally Called Anti-NFT Bot.

Discord Version vs Guilded Version

Wonder which platform you want to create your server and will be protected from malicious users? Here is the difference between our Discord bot and Guilded bot

Bot Discord Bot Guilded Bot
Max Server Limit 100 Unlimited
Anti-NFT Yes Yes (No Banning Option)
Anti-Idiot Yes Only =userinfo
Anti-Slur Yes Yes (No Banning Option)
Uptime 99.9% 99.9%


Q: What is the FGuard bot?

A: FGuard is a Discord bot that can Detect NFT Advertisements AND Detect any Idiots that joins your server.

Q: What permissions does the bot need to work?

A: At minimum, the bot requires the following permissions: Read Messages, Send Messages, Send Messages in Threads, Embed Links, Attach Files, and Manage Messages. We do recommend Ban Members and Manage Roles permissions to enhance its functionality.

Q: Does the NFT Discord Server Filter and track Anti-NFT servers?

A: No it does not. The only discord servers the bot blocks are Pro-NFT servers (Like NFT Project servers) or NFT Market servers.

Q: Why do I have to Join the Support server to get my Data removed?

A: You can remove the data from the punishments system and Anti-Idiot/Anti-NFT System. However for the logs setup, the disable logs command does NOT work at all so if you wish for your data to be fully removed, you have to contact us on the support server. If you know discord.py and know how to be able to remove data via command, please let me know by opening an issue on our github repo.